4 Ways to Acquire New Customers

Although the effects of the pandemic have receded, businesses are still struggling with growth and retention. 

With supply chain demands and operational capacities limited, businesses are looking for ways to acquire new customers and gain new clients. 

While it’s not always easy to focus on growth with so many other responsibilities, there are measures you can take to jumpstart new client acquisition. 

We’ll go through some of the most effective methods for bringing in new clients and customers, including foolproof marketing methods to help your business grow.

  1. Create Relevant Promotions and Deals

If you’re seeing slow growth and a lack of new customers, consider introducing deals and promotions to encourage buying. 

For example, you can create tailored promotions and deals to go with big holidays (e.g., Labor Day, Thanksgiving, etc.) or mark significant business milestones such as anniversaries to drive sales. 

Promotions and deals help you bring in new clients and encourage previous customers to return if the value is too good to resist. 

Source: PakFactory

You can also introduce different promotions, such as charitable initiatives, fun customer birthday celebrations, and other initiatives depending on what your customers like to see. 

  1. Work on Improving Operations

This point is easier said than done, but behind a lot of foolproof marketing is a keen understanding of the customer experience. 

The more you can improve on the backend of the business, the happier customers will be – and you can leverage that for your marketing. 

With so many businesses pivoting to new and uncharted business models, paying particular attention to operations is crucial. 

Consider adding new solutions and software that help streamline processes. 

Alternatively, you can look into packaging solutions and look at how they could potentially help speed up packing and logistics. 

For example, a smaller box could mean cheaper and faster shipping options. 

Source: PakFactory

Furthermore, focusing on product integrity saves your business from losing customers from their first point of purchase. 

Ensuring your packaging is optimized to hold, protect and showcase your products will ensure a high quality unboxing experience that customers will enjoy and remember.

Or you could consider functional packaging options that make it easier for employees to pick, pack, and ship the products with minimal time needed.

  1. Look at What Customers Want

If you’re looking to gain new clients and customers, your aim should be to understand who they are and what they want. 

To develop foolproof strategies, you need foundational insight into customers that helps you craft the right messaging. 

Basic market research can help, including market attributes and competitor analysis, to get a sense of what’s happening in your niche.  

If you’re looking to drill down deeper and gain specific insight, consider doing some primary research. 

For example, you can conduct research with your current customers through surveys and interviews to understand what they like about your brand and what they’d like to see improvements on your end. 

That insight helps you develop more relevant messaging and makes your marketing more foolproof.

  1. Think Outside of the Box

There are lots of traditional routes you can take when considering how to acquire new customers. 

You could do social media marketing, upgrade your SEO strategy, or even run tons of promotions. 

All of these are useful, but it’s just as important to think about what works for your business! 

When customers purchase your product, what kind of frustrations do they have, and what do they hope to gain with your product? 

Think about ways to be creative using that information. 

Source: PakFactory

For example, you could create video content highlighting aspects of the product that customers may not know about. 

Or you can run fun digital scavenger hunts on your website, with the first few winners getting a prize if they find everything on your site. 

Or you can do votes on new products, including the packaging, on social media to understand what customers are looking for.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be these kinds of initiatives exactly, but gaining new customers is all about thinking outside of the box and bringing something valuable to the mix that they will be attracted to. 

While this is a small handful of suggestions to make your marketing strategy more bulletproof, they’re not the only things you could be doing to acquire new customers! 

Packaging is one of the most straightforward ways to catch potential eyes and build a loyal customer base! 

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