Budy Farms CBD is a cannabis company offering products containing natural terpenes to provide customers with unique experiences through a combination of aromatic oils that can affect how things smell and taste, similar to what is found in essential oils.

Terpenes, also known as terpenoids or terps for short, are hydrocarbons compounds found in cannabis, working alone or together with other terpenes or cannabinoids to provide therapeutic effects, but its potential still remains largely untapped. “We have barely begun to understand the therapeutic potential of cannabis”, says Ethan Russo, a neurologist and Director of R&D at the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute in the Czech Republic.

Heath Hillman, the Founder of Budy Farms CBD hopes to make natural terpenes available for customers to experience the positive effects of his CBD with specifically blended terpene profiles offering 4 main product lines granting effects of; Relief, Energy, Dream, and Calm.

The Challenge

Heath searched for an affordable packaging manufacturer with the ability to mimic the metallic printing technique found on his product labels, having created the labels for his bottle droppers from a local manufacturer.

While the effect of his labels was distinct and attractive, the manufacturing process was extensive and complicated, requiring multiple runs, resulting in higher manufacturing and labor costs from his local manufacturer.

Other vendors he approached locally were not able to replicate this in the paperboard box packaging he was looking to have made to carry his dropper-bottles due to high-quantity requirements or extremely high prices, neither of which fit within his project budgets. Heath was at a loss about how to get the packaging he needed without breaking the bank.

Budy Farms CBD: Natural Terpenes Tickle the Senses - 2023 05 Budy Farms CBD pkg 1
Source: PakFactory

The Solution

Moments after finding PakFactory online, Heath quickly recognized that metallic paper stock and foil-stamping are available options for his projects. Working with Anthony De Juan, he was able to quickly get the required project quoted and even get a printed prototype started only 3 days later. Within a few weeks, Heath was able to start seeing his project come to life, with the confidence he needed to move forward to a product run.

Production of Heath’s paperboard packaging uses a technique that involves multiple production runs. First flood coloring was done on the metallic paper stock, followed by printing the artwork onto the newly colored metallic silver stock. After this was completed, a matte coating layer was added to seal the printing, followed by applying spot UV (a spot gloss) to specific areas to add shiny accents into the artwork. With 8 product SKUs, and the help of Anthony’s project management, production was strategically completed on time and on budget with the result being simply stunning.

Budy Farms CBD: Natural Terpenes Tickle the Senses - 2023 05 Budy Farms CBD pkg 2
Source: PakFactory

The Final Product

Budy Farm CBD was able to intelligently and creatively utilize additional processes to create a distinct, eye-popping look that is instantly recognizable, standing out from its competitors. You can almost feel the natural terpenes reaching out to you by simply glancing at their product packaging. Job well done if we should say so ourselves.

Partnering with PakFactory, they are now able to get more affordable packaging, labels, and everything else they need to get their products packaged — affordably.