How Sustainable Packaging Increases Profits

Many businesses are looking for ways to become more sustainable, but few recognize how sustainability can actually also be profitable.

Although 90% of executives believe sustainability is important, only 60% of companies have a sustainability strategy.

By investing in sustainable packaging solutions, businesses will save on production costs, increase customer engagement and loyalty, and ultimately become more profitable overall. 

Consumers are also becoming more aware of the environmental impact that businesses have, and they are increasingly using their buying power to influence companies’ decisions on sustainability. 

Many businesses have started to make sustainability a priority, but the risk of a low ROI is often what holds many fast consumer goods companies back from making a full transition. 

Here’s a look at how you can make sustainable packaging profitable for your business. 

Reducing Waste and Saving Costs

Investing in sustainable packaging is one of the most effective ways to reduce costs for your business. 

Sustainable materials are often cheaper than traditional materials and require less energy and resources to produce. 

In addition, by using recyclable materials, you won’t have to worry about disposing of the waste generated from production or paying extra fees associated with recycling or disposal. 

This can save your business money in the long run while also reducing your environmental impact. 

Eco-friendly packaging materials are lighter than other conventional materials, which means they also take up less space in shipping containers. 

This reduces shipping costs since companies charge based on volume as well as weight. 

Additionally, because sustainable packaging materials are often made from recycled materials or from natural sources like corrugated fiberboard or paperboard, they tend to be more durable than conventional packaging materials. 

This means fewer packages will get damaged in transit and need to be replaced–saving money and time for your businesses. 

Take Belle Vie Candle as an example: 

Belle Vie Candles are hand packaged and designed, so it’s important the packaging and production process is convenient and time efficient, especially at a time when orders start to ramp up. 

PakFactory helped them determine that paperboard Auto Bottom Boxes would be the perfect fit for their products. 

Source: PakFactory

Auto bottom boxes are shipped flat for space efficiency and do not require adhesive upon assembly making it super time efficient to put together. 

The structure of these boxes also provides enough support to hold slightly more heavy-weight products, like candles! 

These paperboard boxes are not only 100% recyclable, but they are also tailored to the product size to reduce packaging waste and lower the risk of any damage. 

Ultimately, Belle Vie Candle was able to focus more efforts on scaling its business and generating more sales with this optimized, eco-friendly packaging solution in place. 

Increasing Customer Loyalty 

Another great way that sustainable packaging can generate more profit for your business is by increasing customer loyalty. 

Customers want to purchase products from companies that prioritize sustainability and are taking steps to reduce their environmental footprint.

By investing in sustainable packaging solutions, you will not only be able to show customers that you are committed to being more environmentally friendly, but also demonstrate that you value their feedback and input when making important decisions about the company’s operations. 

When customers see that your company is making an effort to be environmentally friendly through the use of sustainable packaging, they will be more likely to trust your brand and become part of your loyal customer base, guaranteeing more repeat sales and in turn more profit. 

People, customers, and retailers alike don’t just want products anymore—they want experiences—and sustainable packaging has become part of those key experiences that make them feel good about supporting your business. 

Plus, when customers trust your brand, they are more likely to share their positive experiences with friends and family which can help build brand credibility and a stronger reputation! 

For fast consumer goods, retailers are essentially secondary customers to consider. 

Sustainable packaging and the experience that comes with it, is something most retailers will be looking out for when stocking their shelves. 

Take Sonhab Chocolate for example: 

Sonhab Chocolate is a small company that initially handmade, hand cut, and printed their packaging in-house for their unique chocolate bars.

However, PakFactory was able to help them streamline their process with kraft paperboard boxes which not only saved them time and money but also gained them much more recognition in the wholesale market. 

Source: PakFactory

Kristen and Cody at Sonhab Chocolate were able to pursue wholesale after launching their new eco-friendly packaging design, which was a huge game changer in boosting their sales and reach. 

Enhancing Brand Credibility

As discussed, sustainable packaging has become a major selling point because it shows commitment to environmental preservation and corporate responsibility without sacrificing quality or convenience. 

By utilizing sustainable packaging materials, companies can communicate that they are conscious of their environmental impact and are taking big strides to make responsible decisions. 

This can go a long way in building a strong brand narrative, which is the first step in gaining new and repeat customers while setting your business apart from other companies in the same niche. 

Additionally, businesses that invest in sustainability initiatives like sustainable packaging will be seen as thought leaders within their industry – building further credibility in creating long-term business relationships. 

Take Drop Supplements for example:

Initially, Drop Supplements was using bubble wrap as their primary packaging solution. 

However, they noticed that this packaging strategy was not strong enough, leaving them with damaged products and an unattractive brand presence which was driving down sales.

PakFactory and Drop Supplements worked together to create eco-friendly paperboard boxes designed to enhance their brand presence, adequately protect their supplements and deliver a branded experience tailored to their target market. 

This design differentiated each product by pops of color added to their brand logo, allowing for an eye-catching experience that reflected their brand personality. 

Source: PakFactory

The colors paired with minimalist designs and eco-friendly materials elevated the value of their products and was definitely a huge upgrade from their bubble wrap solutions. 

With their new packaging, Drop Supplements was able to measure an increase in sales and build a bigger sense of brand presence and credibility within their niche. 

Sustainable packaging does not have to mean sacrificing profits; in fact, as you can see, when done correctly it can actually help increase profits! 

By investing in eco-friendly materials such as paper and cardboard instead of plastic, creating branded experiences, and designing packages with efficiency in mind (such as eliminating packaging waste), businesses can make sustainability profitable while also doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint at the same time! 

It’s a win-win situation!

Make the switch today!

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