
We all know products come in boxes of all shapes and sizes. Almost everything we buy comes packaged and ready to be opened.

But how do you find a box that fits your product so perfectly?

Custom packaging is more likely than not the answer!

Looking into custom packaging for your business, but don’t really know where to start?

Let’s first and foremost explore whether custom packaging is a good fit for your business.

What is Custom Packaging?

As the name suggests, custom packaging allows you to design packaging tailored to your product rather than simply settling for a generic box that the product only might fit into.

Custom packaging means taking full control of the protection, presentation and quality of your products.

Example of tailored packaging
Source: PakFactory

It allows you to make sure your packaging fits your product perfectly, while also allowing you to add personal touches to create a strong brand narrative and ultimately boost your sales

What is Stock Packaging?

Well, stock packaging refers to ready-made packaging or generic packaging.

It is inexpensively mass produced and sold on a wholesale basis for product labels to be adhered to after purchase.

Many companies choose to stick with stock packaging because it is a cost-effective option and in many cases does not harm their brand visibility.

While this may seem appealing, stock packaging offers a very small range of opportunities when it comes to shelf impact and brand identity.

Stock packaging typically comes in limited, standardized sizes and styles. We see this a lot in stores with;

  • Sauce bottles
  • Vitamin jars
  • Beverage bottles
  • Canned foods

If you are contemplating stock packaging for your packaging needs, keep in mind that it could well be that your competitors have already had this idea.

This means it is much more difficult to stand out on shelf if your packaging is the same or a similar style.

Customers will classify your products and your competitor’s products as ‘the same thing.’

Products sold in generic packaging are more likely to be budget-friendly and are often associated with the ‘cheaper option’ in consumers’ eyes.

Read more on how important packaging is for marketing

According to a study by Globe News Wire, 76% of consumers agree that when selecting which products to buy, they’re often influenced by the material they’re packaged in, and it’s pretty easy to spot generic packaging in grocery stores.

Customers tend to think of products in generic packaging as the ‘cheaper option’ and that’s why brand differentiation is much more difficult to achieve.

If your competitors are using stock packaging too, your products will be classified on the same level even if you are at a competitive advantage price-wise.

But, what are the advantages of stock packaging?

Stock packaging, as mentioned previously, is the most cost-effective way to package your items.

Because they are mass-produced, you’re able to order stock packaging in large amounts that are time and cost-efficient.

While generic packaging tends to hold a narrative of its own as the ‘cheaper option’, many products have done very well using generic packaging, especially in the food industry.

According to Good, generic packaging has seen a recent success for Loblaw in Toronto, Canada. Through reconstructing their generic brand identity, their rebrand showed impressive customer feedback.

Pampers used to hold 85% of the market share of diapers in Loblaws. However, with the introduction of ‘No Name’, this number shrunk to 18%!

lowblaw's no name brand
Source: Chatelaine

Loblaw’s ‘No Name’ brand success is a great example of how your branding is an important aspect of packaging.

Despite this brand being the ‘cheap option’ and is packaged in generic packaging, it still managed to stand out to customers on the shelves through clear and concise typography and copy as well as a pop of color!

While it can be quite a challenge to stand out with the use of generic packaging, brands that are already established with a loyal customer base are less likely to be negatively affected by their choice of generic packaging solutions.

What Is Stock Packaging Compared to Custom Packaging?

Custom packaging means maintaining full control over your product design and using packaging to dress it up.

Custom packaging ensures your packaging fits your product like a glove.

Minimizing the risks of damage and maximizing opportunities for brand exposure.

You also have full control over;

  • Materials
  • Artwork
  • Design
  • Printing quality
  • Finishes
  • Manufacturing

This gives your brand the opportunity to make your product shine bright on the shelves while ensuring smooth operations in your supply chain.

The Advantages of Custom Packaging

While stock packaging is the most cost-effective way to package your products, it may not be the most constructive for your product’s safety.

Custom packaging allows you to prioritize your product’s needs every step of the way! 

Keeping your products happy and safe means keeping your customers happy and safe too!

Being able to customize your packaging means adding personal touches to your products while appealing to new customers as well.

example of personalized packaging
Source: PakFactory

According to Sprout Social 64% of consumers want brands to form a connection with them.

Custom packaging offers a vessel to speak directly to your target market, which is what leaves your customers with a lasting impression and in turn a loyal customer base. 

Having a unique packaging design allows you to stand out from the hundreds of products that more or less offer the same things.

A great example of this is the Bear-shaped honey bottles that we have now come to know and love!

The founders of Dutch Gold Honey Inc., Ralph and Luella Gamber, came up with this packaging design in 1957 and released it to the shelves of their local grocery stores. 

This design stood out to customers so heavily that Dutch Gold Honey set their design as a packaging trend and built a loyal customer base that lives on generations later!

Today, most honey manufacturers will opt for the iconic bear shaped honey bottle. 

While this packaging design is now seen as outdated and generic, it was revolutionary to the honey packaging industry for its time. 

We are seeing more and more custom packaging designs changing the norms of the packaging industry today!

Who knows, maybe your packaging design could change the world!

Why is Custom Packaging Important?


Having packaging that fits your product perfectly first and foremost decreases the risk of damage to your products, as previously mentioned.

Stock packaging will always be slightly too large for your product, leaving a lot of space for it to move around during shipping and distribution processes.

Let’s face it finding stock packaging that fits your product perfectly is like trying to find a ring at the flea market that fits your finger just right.  

Custom packaging offers you the opportunity to treat your products with extra care, which in turn means you are treating your customers with more care too! 

Through precisely measuring your box dimensions based on your product size and structural engineering, your product will remain protected and intact for your customers to enjoy. 

The fit of your packaging is only the beginning of how custom packaging protects your products.

Your packaging material choices play a huge role in protecting your products too!

example of kraft packaging material
Source: PakFactory

The great thing about custom packaging is that you have full control over your material choices.

Your options range from;

While this may seem like a limited list now, these materials have a range of different options of their own, enabling you to have packaging that is unique to your brand.

The protection of your products is always a priority when looking into packaging solutions.

Standing Out From the Crowd

As briefly discussed, brand differentiation is an important factor in such a competitive world.

Chances are there are products just like yours already on the market. 

From a customer’s point of view, there is no difference between your product and your competitor’s product if they are in the same type of packaging. 

Think of it this way; When you’re shopping for a window cleaner, you’ll pick up whichever one catches your eye first because they all do the same thing anyway, right? 

Customers are more likely to feel drawn to products that are packaged in a unique way.

According to Packaging of the World 52% of consumers say that they will happily pay extra for products if they like the packaging.

Making your packaging unique not only speaks for your product but for your brand too.

Consumers are much more conscious and look to make an authentic connection with the brands they purchase from.

70% of consumers accepted that they form their impression of a brand based solely on the packaging, so make it count!


Branding is a very important aspect of business, and your packaging is no exception. 

Your packaging acts as a spokesperson for not only your products but your brand too. 

That’s why utilizing custom packaging for your products is key to establishing a strong brand narrative, identity and credibility that runs through all channels of your company including;

  • Products
  • Packaging
  • Social Media platforms
  • E-commerce sites

While setting yourself apart from your competitors through custom packaging is important, doing so effectively is crucial.

According to Packaging of the World 63% of consumers agree that the product packaging is as important as the brand itself.

But, why is this?

As briefly discussed, consumers seek to form a connection with the brands they purchase from.

With custom packaging, you are able to create a brand story that engages with your customers on a deeper level. 

Because custom packaging offers almost endless opportunities in printing capabilities, you’re able to really strengthen your brand story on your packaging through things like;

  • Typography
  • Artwork
  • QR Codes
  • Informative copy

Think of your packaging as a communication tool rather than ‘just a box’.

Strengthening your brand story allows you to build more credibility and authenticity as a company which ultimately boosts sales and brand authoritativeness.

How Custom Packaging Benefits Products

Brand Awareness

The most prominent example of how packaging benefits your product – brand awareness.

The package that holds your product is the easiest and most efficient way to show off your product, use it as a form of advertising, and build brand credibility.

Not only can you display relevant information regarding your product, but you can also share information about other products you offer

There are hundreds of competitors, so you need custom packaging that is specifically designed to encapsulate your brand.

Customized packaging allows you to control your brand’s reputation in line with your target customer.

example of strong branding
Source: PakFactory

With social media gaining more and more significance in building getting recognition for products, having unique and eye-catching packaging has the potential to gain exposure for your brand through platforms such as Instagram.

Especially for new customers, the packaging is the first impression they will get of your brand.

The more unique your packaging is, the more likely new customers will post an unboxing of your products; which ultimately starts with your packaging.

Making an Impression

From a marketing perspective, custom packaging is one of the fundamentals of capturing customers’ attention. 

Tailoring your packaging to fit, represent and elevate your product automatically gives your brand and product a higher degree of credibility.

Using your packaging to make a good first impression is vital to gaining new customers.

A national study carried out by the Paper and Packaging Board and IPSOS in 2018 shows that 7 in 10 consumers agreed that packaging design influences their purchasing decision.

Although having a great and effective product is crucial to a brand’s success, the packaging is the next step to elevating your brand and gaining credibility as a company.

With so many different products and brands at customers’ disposal, especially now with COVID-19 and the e-commerce world growing exponentially, options are nearly endless. 

When potential customers are looking for their boring brown package in the shared mailroom of their building, your package will stand out and make an instant memorable impression on them.

Not only are you making the order/pick up experience convenient and user friendly, but you are also building a loyal customer base without the hustle and bustle of brick and mortar.

How Custom Packaging Benefits Customers

Keep Customers Safe

Although the main purpose of packaging is to keep your product safe, it is equally important to keep your customers safe.

When shipping or transporting food products. It is common practice to display important information about your product such as;

  • Best before dates
  • Ingredients
  • Allergens 
  • Nutritional values

Furthermore, for non-food products, it is just as important to list product ingredients and any toxic or harmful substances that your product may contain to ensure the package is handled with care.

example of ingredients list
Source: PakFactory

If your product does contain any toxic or harmful substances, listing these ingredients may seem like it would negatively impact your brand reputation.

However, maintaining safety and full transparency about your product builds a loyal customer base that whole heartedly trusts your brand with their safety.

A good example of this is McDonalds to-go coffee cups ‘Caution: Hot Contents’ label. Having this displayed on your packaging seems somewhat pointless since it is pretty self-explanatory, you are holding coffee after all.  

However, having even the most self explanatory things described on your packaging will make it as user friendly as possible, leading to happy and safe customers who trust your brand. 

A More Sustainable Product

Consumers have notoriously become much more environmentally conscious with regards to their carbon footprint and the way they choose to live their lives.

Therefore, eco-friendly solutions to packaging are vital to the success of your business.

A recent study by the EPA shows an almost 100% increase in packages being recycled in the past 20 years – because of this, eco-friendly oriented packaging has gained a lot of popularity.

According to Survey Monkey; 1 in 3 consumers opt for more eco-friendly options, and 35% of respondents would choose to purchase a more expensive product if it is more environmentally friendly than the cheaper options available. 

With more research and funding going into eco-friendly packaging options, fewer materials are being used to design and manufacture these products. 

It is predicted that eco-friendly packaging will become the most cost-effective way to package your items very soon.

Brands appealing to a large variety of consumers should consider taking the eco-friendly path for their packaging solutions.

Let’s put it simply; the more eco-friendly your product and packaging are, the more attention-grabbing, desired,and respected it will be in the eyes of loyal customers as well as potential customers.

Read more about sustainable packaging.

Customer Experience

While many companies spend a lot of time on the design and conceptualization of their product, packaging often comes as an afterthought rather than a priority.

The fact is, packaging is an important part of the customer experience today.

Especially with e-commerce taking the throne in the retail world, customers are more likely to turn to online reviews by other customers who have already purchased your product.

When a customer unboxes your product, it should evoke a positive emotional response or sentiment.

This is highlighted through unboxing videos on YouTube that showcase people’s obsession with experiencing and interacting with not only the product but mostly the packaging.

According to The Packaging Company 40% of online shoppers say they are more likely to share a product image or video on social media if the packaging is branded and interesting.

example of engaging packaging
Source: PakFactory

60% are more likely to share a photo of a product on social media if it has gift-like packaging rather than your traditional brown box. 

This means tailoring your packaging designs to your online customers can further drive sales of your product.

Premium packaging communicates the quality of your product to your customer.

However, this can also be achieved by using folding carton thanks to its versatility in options for prints and finishes.

Furthermore, using foam box inserts also adds to the luxurious feel of your packaging and adds another level to the customer experience as well as protection to your products.

Indirectly communicating with your customers through your packaging materials tells them more about the quality of your product, brand and narrative.

This heavily plays into the overall experience – and the experience begins with your packaging.

If your packaging creates a memorable experience for users, your customers may even want to hold onto the packaging and start a collection!

Melding Functionality and Practicality

A custom package that is both practical and functional is the ultimate one-two punch to help your product stand out from your competition.

A perfect example of packaging that is both functional and practical is resealable packaging.

This is true for the food and fashion industries. 

The food industry has seen a huge trend when it comes to resealable packaging to maintain shelf life, freshness and flavor.

With features like this, customers are far more likely to repurchase items with this kind of packaging for its functionality and practicality. 

Resealable packaging has also eliminated the commitment to having to finish all the food in the packaging.

Customers like not having to commit to a certain product. Therefore, resealable packaging has provided a sense of freedom and convenience for customers.

Furthermore, resealable packaging has also highly benefited the fast fashion industry, especially now where customers’ only option is online shopping, with no sense of fit or style.

Resealable packaging has allowed online clothing stores to accept returns and has also given customers the opportunity to order a variety of sizes and styles to try on in the comfort of their own home. 

Innovative packaging that solves issues of your competitors, allows for your product to stand out and gain well deserved attention.

How to Get Custom Packaging for Small Businesses

Getting custom packaging is much simpler than it seems. You just need to be prepared for the process before it even takes place!

Let’s briefly look at an overview of the process and discuss how to make the process as simple as possible. 

First you’ll need to evaluate what exactly you need for your custom packaging to ensure you are sourcing the correct type of service. 

Not all companies offer the same services. For example, typical manufacturers and online packaging stores only provide production services.

However at PakFactory we offer all the tools and services you require for total packaging success.

We have the ability to plan your box, help to source packaging machine manufacturers, and manage logistics. 

The best way to save time is to find a company that can potentially cover all the services you require.

Your business should have some knowledge of how your product launch plan will look like: 

  • What is your timeline? 
  • What is this project for? 
  • How many units do you need? 

If you don’t have an idea, it’s best to find a packaging specialist to help you determine these aspects in your project and guide you through other processes such as;

  • Requesting a quote
  • Sourcing
  • Logistics management


Sourcing is all about price and quality comparisons. While it may take some time to compare and contrast vendors and designers, it’ll actually save you time. 

How? Well if you think about it, selecting a vendor that has the quality materials you need, monitors quality control, and creates efficient production processes will reduce the potential of errors and concerns.

Picking those with expertise in their craft is always a good way to save time.


Similar to sourcing, finding skillful structural engineers and artwork designers can save you time. 

While you may think that it will be costly to work with an experienced designer, give it some more thought.

example of artwork design
Source: PakFactory

If you were to work with a designer who is unfamiliar with certain aspects of packaging design, you may end up spending more time and money to have them revise or redo something that an expert packaging designer would have already have done the first time.

The importance of custom packaging encapsulates a wide range of aspects to consider for your business. 

While this may seem overwhelming at first, investing some time into developing custom packaging for your products will make your brand worth while!

Considering the foundations of custom packaging is crucial to evaluating if it is a good fit for your business and products.

Ready to get started with Custom Packaging


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