
packaging design

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by Jana Iverson

Get inspired and check out these packaging design trends to look out for in 2023!

by Jana Iverson

The terms ‘sustainable’ and ‘green’ are not new when it comes to packaging.  In fact, over the last 10 years, the entire supply chain …

by Jana Iverson

Discover 9 effective cosmetic packaging design tips to …

by Jana Iverson

Here are 5 steps to designing custom packaging …

by Jana Iverson

2021 was full of surprises, and 2022 will …

by Jana Iverson

Get to know different type classifications and how …

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by Shanon Dunlap

Learn how to design mushroom chocolate bar packaging that focuses on functionality, aesthetics, compliance, sustainability, printing, and more.

by Shanon Dunlap

Tin box packaging offers durability and elegance. Everything you need to know, from tin benefits and styles to options. …

by Shanon Dunlap

Are you looking for a fun and stylish way to be sustainable while creating memorable branding for your customers? …

by Yen Pedrajas

Explore how innovative packaging designs can elevate the unboxing experience for online shoppers. Visit our blog to learn more.

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