
Packaging Tips & Tricks

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by Jana Iverson

Luxury packaging doesn’t necessarily mean expensive. Explore ways to create affordable custom luxury packaging!

by Jana Iverson

Learn how to perform a life cycle assessment of your packaging solutions to minimize your environmental impact and maximize sales!

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by Jana Iverson

Learn how to create standout packaging for limited edition products with our expert guide. Get design tips and choose …

by Jana Iverson

Discover valuable tips for safely shipping and packing fragile items. Protect your products and ensure they arrive in one …

by Jana Iverson

Discover innovative ways to enhance your e-commerce brand with custom packaging! Get inspired with these 10 creative ideas.

by Jana Iverson

Learn how to make custom boxes for your business with our quick 5 step beginners guide!

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PakFactory’s blog is your go-to academic resource for everything you need to know about custom packaging. Our topics range from packaging tips to inspiration to help businesses kickstart their packaging project.

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