
Materials, Structures & Printing

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by Jana Iverson

Considering a meta tin box as your primary packaging strategy? Weigh out the pros and cons of metal tin containers before you make your …

by Jana Iverson

Discover the many advantages of stand-up pouches and how it can benefit your business. From cost-effective and sustainable packaging to increased product protection.

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by PakFactory

Eco-friendly cosmetics packaging doesn’t have to be dull! Check out 7 cool eco-friendly cosmetics packaging ideas!

by PakFactory

Flexible packages have quickly gained popularity in the packaging industry for being a versatile option to meet the diverse …

by Jana Iverson

Although edible packaging is a fairly new innovation in the packaging industry, it is gaining immense popularity in the …

by Jana Iverson

What does the future of packaging hold? It’s not too hard to imagine with continuous advancements in technology! Let’s …

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