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by PakFactory

Eco-friendly cosmetics packaging doesn’t have to be dull! Check out 7 cool eco-friendly cosmetics packaging ideas!

by PakFactory

Flexible packages have quickly gained popularity in the packaging industry for being a versatile option to meet the diverse needs in many sectors. In …

by Jana Iverson

The terms ‘sustainable’ and ‘green’ are not new …

by Benjamin Liu

Creating a striking and functional game box packaging …

by Jana Iverson

Your branding depends on your packaging design. Follow …

latest blog posts

by Jana Iverson

Discover the pros and cons of paper vs plastic bags for businesses and how to make smart choices for …

by Jana Iverson

If you’re starting out with custom packaging, the word dieline has probably been thrown around. But, what exactly is …

by Jana Iverson

Considering a meta tin box as your primary packaging strategy? Weigh out the pros and cons of metal tin …

by Jana Iverson

You’d expect a certain color or quality to be matched exactly to what is on a screen. Learn more …

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