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by Jana Iverson

Packaging is more than just a way to protect your products. Read more about how important product packaging is for marketing!

by Jana Iverson

Learn all about the difference between Raster vs Vector in printing and which format is best to use for designing packaging!

by Jana Iverson

Here are 5 steps to designing custom packaging …

by Jana Iverson

Consumers have a growing appetite for food packaging …

by Jana Iverson

Discover 5 easy and creative ways to increase …

by Jana Iverson

Learn all about HRBLS by Pharmakon Supernatural’s unique …

latest blog posts

by Jana Iverson

See Well Designed Wood and Sons, a wooden koozie brand, packaging journey unfold with their display counter top success …

by Jana Iverson

These latest packaging trends in 2023 continue to evolve as the packaging industry rapidly expands and adapts to innovation!

by Jana Iverson

Having a hard time choosing between printing methods for your packaging? Learn more about flexographic printing here!

by Jana Iverson

Discover the best practices for reducing shipping costs with the help of corrugated boxes and optimization tips from experts!

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