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by Jana Iverson

Discover new ways to increase customer loyalty, boost your unboxing experience and generate more sales with box inserts!

by Jana Iverson

You’d expect a certain color or quality to be matched exactly to what is on a screen. Learn more about digital and offset printing …

by Jana Iverson

Customer retention is a major concern for any …

by Jana Iverson

Customer retention is a major focus for almost …

by Jana Iverson

Don’t know much about die-cut packaging? Don’t fret, …

latest blog posts

by Jana Iverson

Embossed and Debossed designs are popular finishing technique for packaging and printed items. Learn all about embossing and debossing …

by Jana Iverson

Get inspired and check out these packaging design trends to look out for in 2023!

by Jana Iverson

Learn how to choose the best-suited paperboard material for your folding carton boxes and how to optimize it for …

by Jana Iverson

Luxury packaging doesn’t necessarily mean expensive. Explore ways to create affordable custom luxury packaging!

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