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by Jana Iverson

Get inspired and discover smart reusable shopping bag storage options for both home and office environments and keep your space organized!

by Jana Iverson

Discover the many advantages of stand-up pouches and how it can benefit your business. From cost-effective and sustainable packaging to increased product protection.

by Jana Iverson

PakFactory worked to create optimal packaging solutions for …

by Jana Iverson

Product packaging can seem like an overwhelming task. …

by Jana Iverson

Read all about how PakFactory worked with Sonhab …

latest blog posts

by Jana Iverson

Sustainability is becoming our new norm! Here we explore the top 18 sustainable packaging ideas of 2023

by Jana Iverson

Learn how to perform a life cycle assessment of your packaging solutions to minimize your environmental impact and maximize …

by Jana Iverson

Packaging is more than just a way to protect your products. Read more about how important product packaging is …

by Jana Iverson

Discover the power of window patching and enhance your packaging solutions for more shelf impact today!

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